MolokDomino – the long-time favourite of housing companies, public buildings and block collection points – has been updated both in terms of its appearance and its functionality. Furthermore, the manufacturing of the new MolokDomino waste container also emphasises sustainable solutions and eco-friendliness even more.
Modern and timeless design
The new MolokDomino waste container’s design is an example of timeless design that blends in with its surroundings. The carefully considered lines of the container create a stylish look that will stand the test of time. The new waste container’s filling lids line up with its main lid, which gives the container a more streamlined appearance.
The old MolokDomino waste containers’ lids were dark grey, but the new containers have black lids. Thanks to the new colour, a larger amount of recycled plastic can be used in the lids. Right now, the share of recycled materials used in the lids is at least 70%.
Additionally, the corners of the MolokDomino waste containers’ framing have been slightly rounded. Apart from that, the familiar rectangular shape and the framing options have stayed the same. In addition to the popular composite framing, you can also get a stylish aluminium exterior or printed framing with an image or colour of your choice for your waste containers.
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More environmentally friendly waste containers
A significant amount of recycled materials have been used in the new MolokDomino waste containers, including in the containers’ lids, composite framing and lifting bags. We are also actively working to increase the share of recycled materials, and we are always looking for new opportunities to use recycled materials. By doing this, we are seeking to continuously reduce our carbon footprint.
The MolokDomino waste containers’ durable materials and structures guarantee that the containers will have an exceptionally long service life. Our comprehensive spare parts service also helps keep the waste containers in use for a long time. Quite simply, products with a long service life put less of a strain on the environment.
The first Molok containers have been in use for 30 years, so it is safe to say that MolokDomino waste containers can be used for several decades.
Large amounts of waste are collected from a Molok Deep Collection container in one go, which means that Molok waste containers are emptied much less often than traditional surface containers. According to research, surface bins’ carbon dioxide emissions from emptying are about 50% higher than those of underground containers when it comes to the collection of multiple waste types.
As an environmentally aware company, Molok Ltd is committed to European climate goals when developing its products and production.
Surface bins’ carbon dioxide emissions
from emptying are about 50% higher than those of underground containers.
Using a MolokDomino waste container is pleasant and easy
In the design of the new MolokDomino waste container, even more attention was paid to ease of use and making taking the rubbish out as hassle-free as possible. The filling lid of the new MolokDomino waste containers stays up when opened, which leaves both of the user’s hands free.
One of the new accessories for the MolokDomino waste containers is a bag hook, on which you can temporarily hang a bin bag or a handbag. When you can use both of your hands, sorting the waste becomes much easier and you will not need to, for example, set your bag down on the wet ground.
Like with the previous model, attention has been paid to making the new waste container’s structure such that animals cannot get into it. Furthermore, a Deep Collection container prevents the waste from smelling as bad as it does when put in a surface container. As most of the waste container is located underground, its temperature stays low even in the summer and the waste will not develop as strong a smell as it would on the ground and in the sun.
The lid’s lock, which is available as an accessory, has been put in a new place, where the shape of the lifting handle protects the lock from rainwater and the moisture produced by the waste. This makes the lock pleasant to use. The new design also makes it possible to install an electric lock on the container.
The bag hook is a new accessory for MolokDomino waste containers.
A smart waste container brings benefits to both the user and the maintenance
The MolokDomino waste containers can be integrated with new smart features that will make both the everyday life of residents and the work of the maintenance service provider easier.
It is also possible to add an electric lock to the waste containers. The lock can be used to control who is able to use the waste container. Nowadays, this is often needed in densely populated areas. The users are given a smart card, which looks like a credit card, or a small tag that can fit on a key ring. These can be used to easily open the waste container’s lock.
The locks can also be used to collect information about how the container is used, which is helpful when collection is being developed. The electric lock can also detect sudden temperature rises inside the container. This means that, if the container has been vandalised, it will alert the party responsible for the maintenance of the waste containers.
If a surface measurement sensor is connected to the electric lock, useful information can be collected for the optimisation of emptying. In this case, containers will not be emptied if they are not full enough, and they will also not become too full.
A tech-ready attachment platform will be available as an accessory for the new MolokDomino waste container. The platform will make it easier to connect smart devices to the container. The platform is a plate on which you can attach devices such as a sensor that measures the level of the waste’s surface. You can also place a lock or the sensor’s battery on the platform.

The waste containers at the Naantali Housing Fair’s
block collection point have electric locks.
Deep Collection is an efficient collection solution that takes up little space
Deep collection of waste is an effective way to reduce the amount of space taken up by waste containers, as 60% of its collection capacity is underground. Furthermore, MolokDomino waste containers can be used to place collection containers for various waste types right next to each other, which saves even more space.
Even though the waste collection point takes up much less space overground, the system’s capacity is large. Thanks to this, the containers can be emptied less often, which will save you money. Additionally, heavy emptying trucks visiting the collection point less often makes the neighbourhood more peaceful and reduces emissions from traffic.
The Deep Collection system also has good fire safety. Deep Collection containers cannot be moved from one place to another, and if something burning is thrown into a container, the fire is usually smothered quickly before there is any damage.
One MolokDomino waste containercan be divided
in up to five parts to collect five different types of waste.
The modular MolokDomino adapts to your needs
The MolokDomino system consists of modules, which offer an easy way to find the right capacity for collecting, for example, seven waste types. If your collecting needs change in the coming years, the modules are easy to modify afterwards.
One 5 m3 Deep Collection container is equivalent to
ten 660-litre surface containers when the compacting of waste is taken into account.
Local experts at your service
Our local Molok experts are always happy to help you choose and design a waste collection point. At Molok Ltd, we have regional experts in many countries, who are always ready to answer your questions. We will ensure that waste collection will be done in accordance with the applicable laws and local waste management regulations.
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Download the brochure about the even more environmentally friendly and stylish
MolokDomino waste container
Waste collection can be done stylishly, taking environmental issues into account.
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